Vaccinium oxycoccos NJ96-20 v1.0 genome sequence

Genome Overview
Analysis NameVaccinium oxycoccos NJ96-20 v1.0 genome sequence
MethodOxford Nanopore GridION, Illumina NovaSeq (Minimap2, Miniasm, Racon, Pilon)
SourceV. oxycoccos, NJ96-20, Alaska wild
Date performed2021-06-17


GDV Accession Number:  GDV21002

Source: The sequencing and assembly of the V. oxycoccos genome is described in Kawash J, Colt K, Hartwick NT, Abramson BW, Vorsa N, Polashock JJ, Michael TP. Contrasting a reference cranberry genome to a crop wild relative provides insights into adaptation, domestication, and breeding. PloS one. 2022; 17(3):e0264966.   The biomaterial and raw reads are available on NCBI under BioProject PRJNA738865.

Genome Assembly Summary:

Total size 484,157,052 bases
Number of scaffolds 1692
N50 1,785,328 bases
Assembly BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 95.3%
Annotation BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 87.2%


All the files below are also available on the GDV Data Repository.

V. oxycoccos NJ96-20 genome, v1.0 assembly files:

Homology Analysis:

The protein homolog searches were performed using BLAST (e-value cutoff of 1e-6) and the Swissprot and TrEMBL protein databases by the Main Bioinformatics Lab.  Results were parsed into an Excel format.