Vaccinium corymbosum cv. Southmoon v1.0 genome

Genome Overview
Analysis NameVaccinium corymbosum cv. Southmoon v1.0 genome
MethodIllumina (Assembly with SAMtools, BWA)
SourceVaccinium corymbosum cv. Southmoon
Date performed2022-08-24

Reference:  This data was provided by Patrick Edger pre-publication, please see restrictions below.  This data is part of the Vaccinium Pangenome project which is part of the VacCAP project.

The authors have kindly provided this data pre-publication according to the Ft. Lauderdale Accord. By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes or genomic data on a whole genome or chromosome scale prior to publication by the authors and/or collaborators of a comprehensive genome analysis such as identification of complete (whole genome) sets of genomic features such as genes, gene families, regulatory elements, repeat structures, GC content, or any other genome feature, and whole-genome or chromosome-scale comparisons with other species.  Bulk download of the assembly files will become available once the data is published.  If you would like access to the data prior to that, please contact the authors directly.

Genome Assembly Summary:

Total size 1,997,637,167 bases
Number of scaffolds 15,751
N50 1,398,232 bases
Assembly BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 96.8%
Annotation BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 96.0%

The assembly and annotation files are available on the GDV Data Repository.