Work Completed


  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to find orthologs and corresponding annotations (11/21/2024)
  • [Data] Expression dataset added from 1 paper (11/19/2024)
  • [Outreach] October 2024 GDV Newsletter sent (10/29/2024)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how cross-search gene/mRNA names (9/19/2024)
  • [Outreach] GDV and BIMS workshop at 13th International Vaccinium Symposium (8/25/2024)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to search markers by trait and view genome alignment (8/22/2024)
  • [Data] 3117 QTL from Maule et al paper added (8/16/2024)
  • [Outreach] July 2024 GDV Newsletter sent (7/30/2024)
  • [Data] RapidGenomics FS 1903 blueberry genotyping array added (22,047 markers, 194 assoc. QTL) (7/25/2024)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to use the ortholog/paralog search (6/27/2024)
  • [Data] 3 QTL and 6 markers added from 1 publication (5/30/2024)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to download protein sequences (5/29/2024)
  • [Outreach] April 2024 GDV Newsletter sent (4/29/2024)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to download markers from a map region (3/28/2024)
  • [Data] Lingonberry and wild blueberry expression data from corresponding genome papers added (3/14/2024)
  • [Data] V. duclouxii SGLD20220023 v1 genome (wild blueberry) added to chado, Blast, JBrowse, Synteny Viewer (3/11/2024)
  • [Data] Primer-based markers aligned to 9 genomes, loaded into chado, also ran QTL mapping script.  3 new JBrowse tracks for each genome (SNP, QTL, SSR/EST/gene markers) (3/11/2024)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to find markers linked to traits (2/26/2024)
  • [Data] New expression dataset added (2/23/2024)
  • [Data] GWAS data (12 GWAS, 12 markers) from da Silva et al. 2024 added (2/22/2024)
  • [Data] V. vitis-idaea (lingonberry) genomes Red Candy and ssp. minus added to PathwayCyc (2/9/2024)
  • [Outreach] January 2024 GDV Newsletter sent (1/29/2024)
  • [Data] Two lingonberry genomes added to chado, blast, JBrowse and Synteny Viewer (1/25/2024)
  • [Outreach] NRSP10 Database Workshop at PAG (1/14/2024)
  • [Data] QTL, SNP, and SSR/EST marker tracks added to JBrowse of W85-20 P0 genome (1/8/2024)
  • [Data] SSR, EST, EST-SSR, and Gene markers were aligned to the W85-20 P0 genome and loaded into Chado (1/8/2024)


  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a summary of data from 2023 (12/20/2023)
  • [Data] 3 QTL, 232 Markers, 299 GWAS added (12/14/2023)
  • [Data] Vaccinium GRIN data loaded to chado (11/27/2023)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to view genome and genetic map corresspondences (11/27/2023)
  • [Outreach] October 2023 GDV Newsletter sent (10/30/2023)
  • [Data] 204 new germplasm from GRIN phenotype data uploaded (10/19/2023)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to use Expression Heatmap Tool (9/27/2023)
  • [Data] GWAS data uploaded: 8 markers, 9 GWAS (9/27/2023)
  • [Data] Two new expression datasets added (9/14/2023)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to go from trait to GWAS to gene to ortholog (8/29/2023)
  • [Data] 17 QTL, 2090 markers, 1 Map from 2 papers (8/4/2023)
  • [Outreach] July 16, 2023 - BIMS and FieldBook at the Breeding Tools Workshop, National Association of Plant Breeding Annual Meeting (7/26/2023)
  • [Outreach] July 2023 GDV Newsletter sent (7/24/2023)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to search and view traits and associated data (6/29/2023)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with a video on how to search and view GWAS data (5/30/2023)
  • [Outreach] April 2023 GDV Newsletter sent (4/26/2023)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with Genetic Map and Genome Correspondences video (3/30/2023)
  • [Tools] Ortholog page added to gene/mRNA page (3/2023)
  • [Outreach] New MegaSearch Marker Search video released on MainLab YouTube Channel, GDV monthly email (2/23/2023)
  • [Tools] Toolbar for selecting colors for GWAS display in MapViewer (2/2023)
  • [Tools] MegaSearch updated to allow searching records with empty fields (e.g. for searching genes without any functional annotation) (2/2023)
  • [Tools] Crosslink between GDR and Fruit and Nut Database (2/2023)
  • [Outreach] January 2023 GDV Newsletter sent (1/31/2023)
  • [Tools] Gene annotation template and loader created (1/2023)
  • [Tools] MegaSearch updated to query GWAS (1/2023)
  • [Tools] MapViewer updated to display GWAS data (1/2023)
  • [Outreach] PAG NRSP10 Workshop on database usage and tools (1/15/2023)


  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email sent (12/22/2022)
  • [Tools]Template/loader for GWAS data created (12/2022)
  • [Data] V. darrowii Camp genome added to database, JBrowse, Blast PathwayCyc (12/8/2022)
  • [Outreach] Overlay Omics Data in PathwayCyc video released on MainLab YouTube Channel, GDV monthly email (11/28/2022)
  • [Tools] BIMS/MCL made compatible with PHP8 (11/2022)
  • [Data] 4 new blueberry (Duke, Earlie Blue, Elliot, W85-20 P0, W85-20 P1) and 3 new cranberry genomes (Budd's Blues, Garwood Bell, Native Budd's Blues) added to Synteny Viewer (11/1/2022)
  • [Data] 3 new blueberry (Duke, Earlie Blue, Elliot) and 3 new cranberry genomes (Budd's Blues, Garwood Bell, Native Budd's Blues) added to PathwayCyc (11/1/2022)
  • [Outreach] October 2022 GDV Newsletter sent (10/31/2022)
  • [Tools] MegaSearch Ortholog/Paralog search added (10/28/2022)
  • [Tools] TripalMap 2.0 released (10/2022)
  • [Tools] ChadoSearch v2.7 for Drupal 7 released (10/2022)
  • [Tools] Tripal MegaSearch v1.4 for Drupal 7 released (10/2022)
  • [Data] 188 QTL (Mengist et al); 168 QTL, 18195 markers, 1 map (Montanari et al) added Sept. 2022.
  • [Outreach] BLAST to mRNA video released on MainLab YouTube Channel, GDV monthly email (9/27/2022)
  • [Data] Vaccinium Pangenome genomes (22 blueberry, 10 cranberry) added to GDV (9/6/2022)
  • [Tools] Data templates - ORCID/DOI enabled in data loading templates (8/2022)
  • [Tools] BIMS - Trait descriptor export (BIMS-Field Book) through BrAPI enabled (8/2022)
  • [Tools] MegaSearch - Accordion style form added in query section (8/2022)
  • [Tools] MapViewer - Resolution of the map comparison view improved (8/2022)
  • [Tools] New search pages available for Trait and Trait Descriptor (8/2022)
  • [Tools] Trait and dataset pages updated with more hyperlinks (8/2022)
  • [Outreach] MegaSearch for Genetic Maps video released on MainLab YouTube Channel, GDV monthly email (8/30/2022)
  • [Outreach] Monthly email archive page added (7/27/2022).  Link to all monthly emails will be here.
  • [Outreach] July 2022 GDV newsletter sent (7/26/2022)
  • [Tools] Mapviewer - layout of the landing page improved (7/2022)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with MegaSearch for QTL video (6/27/2022)
  • [Tools] New corresponding matrices in MapViewer (6/2022)
  • [Tools] MapViewer and map page updated to display details of bin map (6/2022)
  • [Tools] Created ‘bin’ pages with Map/LG/marker/QTL information (6/2022)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with BLAST tool video (5/31/2022)
  • [Outreach] April 2022 GDV Newsletter sent (4/28/2022)
  • [Tools] Ortholog/Paralog search added (4/5/2022)
  • [Outreach] Monthly GDV email with Marker Search video (3/24/2022)
  • [Data] Added V. caesariense clone W85-20 genome to chado, PathwayCyc, BLAST, JBrowse (3/15/22)
  • [Outreach] Sent monthly email, MapViewer Pt. 1 (2/24/22)
  • [Outreach] Sent 2nd issue of newsletter (1/28/22)


  • [Data] New Blueberry data added: map (1), QTL (40), markers (17433) (9/13/2021)
  • [Outreach] Added "Newsletter" page and sent first issue to email list and shared on Twitter (9/9/21)
  • [Outreach] Added 12th IVS videos to "Presentations" page, updated IVS news item to include links to videos (9/2/21)
  • [Data] V. darrowii v1.2 and v2.4, V. macrocarpon cv. Ben Lear, and V. oxycoccos genomes added to Synteny Viewer (8/31/2021)
  • [Data] V. macrocarpon Ben Lear and V. oxycoccos NJ96-20 genomes added to GDV, BLAST, JBrowse, PathwayCyc (8/25/2021)
  • [Outreach] Added "Presentations" page with webinar recordings (8/25/2021
  • [Data] New blueberry data added: markers (17,486), map (1), QTL (15), trait (1) (7/20/2021)
  • [Data] V. darrowii v1.2 primary haplotype added to PathwayCyc (7/14/2021)
  • [Data] V. darrowii genome, primary and secondary haplotype assemblies, added to GDV (7/1/2021)
  • [Data] Updated Vaccinium NCBI gene and mRNA data, added 1296 new sequences (5/28/2021)
  • [Data] Blueberry Transcriptome (2019) aligned to genomes and added a JBrowse track, also added to BLAST tool (4/22/2021)
  • [Data] Functional annotations of Cranberry and Blueberry (2019) Transcriptomes added to chado (4/20/2021)
  • [Data] 2019 Blueberry transcriptome added to GDV (4/12/2021)
  • [Data] New Blueberry data added: markers (11) (4/13/2021)
  • [Data] V. myrtillus NK2018 genome added to Synteny Viewer (4/6/2021)
  • [Data] V. myrtillus NK2018 PathwayCyc added (3/25/2021)
  • [Data] V. myrtillus NK2018 genome added (3/19/2021)
  • [Data] New Blueberry data added: markers (4) (3/17/2021)
  • [Data] V. microcarpum PathwayCyc added (2/24/2021)
  • [Tools] Synteny Viewer tool with Blueberry and 2 Cranberry genomes added (2/15/2021)
  • [Data] Protein sequences loaded into Chado for Draper genome and 2 cranberry genomes (2/9/2021)
  • [Data] New blueberry data added: markers (11,292), map (1), QTL (5), traits (4) (1/29/2021)
  • [Data] Transcript alignments added to V. macrocarpon and V. microcarpum JBrowse (1/8/2021)
  • [Data] V. macrocarpon PathwayCyc added, and Smart Tables/user accounts for PathwayTools enabled (1/5/2021)


  • [Data] Two Cranberry genomes (V. macrocarpon and V. microcarpum) added (11/20/2020)
  • [Data] Transcript alignments added to Draper genome (7/7/2020)
  • [Data] New data added: genetic maps (6), genetic markers (73,915) (5/14/2020)
  • [Tools]  Blueberry PathwayCyc added (1/29/2020)


  • [Tools] GDV converted to Tripal 3 (10/9/19)
  • [Data] Added SwissProt homology data to Chado for W8520 draft blueberry genome (8/6/19)
  • [Data] Expression data for genes of Draper genome added (8/5/19)
  • [Data] BLAST and InterProScan Homology data for Draper genome added (7/30/19)
  • [Data] V. corymbosum cv. Draper v1.0 genome added to GDV, genome imported into database and added to JBrowse and BLAST+ (7/19/2019)
  • [Tools] JBrowse updated to v1.16.4 (6/4/2019)
  • [Tools] MegaSearch added (6/4/2019)
  • [Data] New data added: QTL (325), agronomic traits (6) (4/23/2019)
  • [Data] New data added: germplasm (9), genetic maps (15), genetic markers (11,726), QTL (171), agronomic traits (8) (8/2018 to 4/2019)


  • [Tools] Dot plot, Correspondence matrix and PNG export functionality added for MapViewer, available (August 2018)
  • [Data] GRIN phenotype data added to BIMS and can be searched using BIMS (July 2018)
  • [Tools] MapViewer updated with dynamic drawing element positioning for QTLs and Correspondences (June 2018)
  • [Tools] Tripal Analysis Expression module added and 2 blueberry expression datasets were loaded to GDV (May 2018)
  • [Tools] GDV User Manual completed (February 2018)


  • [Data] Added V. corymbosum genome (May 2013 version) to database, JBrowse, BLAST (November 2017)
  • [Tools] Database interface/functionality upgraded (June 2017)
  • [Tools] MapViewer module added to database (June 2017)
  • [Tools] New Tripal BLAST+ module added and searchable databases updated (June 2017)
  • [Data] Published blueberry and cranberry marker, map, and QTL data added to database.  Published bilberry marker data added. (June 2017)
  • [Data] V. corymbosum RefTrans v1 added (May 2017)