Primer-based markers (SSR, EST, EST-SSR, gene) have been mapped to the genomes listed below. The position data is stored in GDV and there are also JBrowse tracks for these markers as well as SNPs, GWAS, and QTL that mapped to other genomes too as a result of the mapped markers.
Genomes with these alignments available:
- Vaccinium caesariense clone W85-20 P0 v2.0 genome sequence
- Vaccinium corymbosum cv. Draper v1.0 genome sequence
- Vaccinium corymbosum W8520 draft genome sequence
- Vaccinium darrowii clone NJ8810/NJ8807 v1.2 genome sequence
- Vaccinium macrocarpon cv. Ben Lear v1.0 genome sequence
- Vaccinium macrocarpon cv. Stevens v1.0 genome sequence
- Vaccinium myrtillus isolate NK2018 v1.0 genome sequence
- Vaccinium vitis-idaea ssp. vitis-idaea cv. Red Candy v1.0 genome
- Vaccinium vitis-idaea ssp. minus v1.0 genome