Vaccinium corymbosum cv. Draper v1.0 genome sequence

Genome Overview
Analysis NameVaccinium corymbosum cv. Draper v1.0 genome sequence
MethodWhole genome shotgun, Illumina (Assembly with DeNovoMAGIC)
SourceV. corymbosum cv. Draper
Date performed2019-03-01

The sequencing and assembly of the V. corymbosum cv. Draper genome is described in Colle et al., 2019.  The biomaterial and raw reads are available on NCBI under BioProject PRJNA494180.  The assembled genome and expression data were downloaded from GigaDB.

Summary of genome assembly:

Total Size 1,826,686,181 bases
Number of scaffolds 1,760
N50 36,947,333 bases
BUSCO score 95.5% (1,375 of 1,440 BUSCOs present)

For the data on GDV, the following prefixes were removed from the original gene, mRNA and protein names due to length limitations for the BLAST+ tool:  maker-, snap_masked-, augustus_masked-.  In GDV, all the genome features now start with "VaccDScaff". 


For the data on GDV, the following prefixes were removed from the original gene, mRNA and protein names due to length limitations for the BLAST+ tool:  maker-, snap_masked-, augustus_masked-.  In GDV, all the genome features now start with "VaccDScaff".  The below files are the GDV modified versions of the original files.  All the below files are available on the GDV Data Repository.

V. corymbosum cv. Draper genome, v1.0 assembly files:

Homology Analysis:

The protein homolog searches were performed using BLAST (e-value cutoff of 1e-6) and the Swissprot and TrEMBL protein databases by the Main Bioinformatics Lab.  Results were parsed into an Excel format.